Available Body Database Access

Available Body Database Access
This one-time payment gets you lifetime* access to my database, and includes all future videos and menus that I create. You are purchasing the password to the site. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE THIS PASSWORD TO OTHER PEOPLE. As an independent artist, I am relying on your honesty and integrity, and if this system doesn’t work, I won’t be able to maintain this site.
I might need to change the password occasionally to prevent abuse. Should that happen, I will notify everyone of the change via email. Therefore it is important I have your current and best email address. If you lose access to the database for some reason, just reach out and I will make it right!
(*Lifetime here means the lifetime of this project, which should also correspond to my lifetime… but things happen, and so I can’t promise access to this database for all of eternity.)
Your access instructions and password will be coming to you shortly in an email!