Iceland in a Box

Iceland in a Box
Tourism ranks in the top three industries that make up Iceland’s GDP. But Iceland’s main tourist attraction is its natural beauty—the glaciers, waterfalls, volcanoes, black sand beaches, lava tubes, mountains, hot springs geysers, and Northern Lights. So how do you package and sell this light, water, and rock? How do you wrap the Aurora up in a box and sell it? Iceland’s natural beauty cannot be predicted – the Aurora come when they come regardless of clear skies or awake eyes, glaciers move and melt, volcanoes erupt and spew invisible and poisonous gas, sneaker waves on the beaches can tug visitors out to sea in the blink of an eye, geothermal activity can pop up in your backyard making your house a tourist destination overnight. Our Icelandic guide even told us about a volcano that erupted near a glacier, virtually instantaneously melting the ice and creating a torrential flood that erased roadways and twisted bridges! People are at the mercy of Nature. And yet, because Iceland’s rock, water, and light are the tourist attractions, foreigners often view them as tame, safe, predictable, and always available. Finally, I see a Catch-22 in that tourism has a direct impact on climate change which harms Iceland’s natural beauty. And yet, nothing can do more to illustrate the importance of mitigating climate change than people seeing first-hand the natural wonders we must protect.