Kristen Helen Poppe
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Available Body

This is what I believe with all my heart:

  • Fitness is about making your body available so you can do the things you want to do. 

  • Fitness is not vanity.

  • Every body is beautiful, simply for being.

  • Your body will work so hard for you - it already does - bodies are a freaking miracle.

  • Bodies want to heal and be healthy.

  • Your body can change dramatically, at any age, in many ways.

  • Everyone can get incrementally stronger, more flexible, & healthier — no matter what.

  • Fitness is the secret to mental and physical health, long life, better sleep, wanting to eat better, & loving yourself.

I’m here to help you do the work!

This database has 280+ videos of fitness exercises that I’ve gathered from years of doing ballet, yoga, pilates, massage, and going to the gym. The goal is that you learn how to do these exercises… and then YOU DO THEM. Often. Habitually. Joyfully. Because they are making your body available for life! You can sort the videos based on your needs, so don’t get overwhelmed. If you need more guidance, you can look at my fitness menus which are created to help you achieve a specific task. Pick the menu that fits your needs, and the workout is right there, designed for you. And now for the hard part — you have to actually do this work. I created all this material for you, but now you have to do it. Luckily, you absolutely can!

Sort your Videos

While 280+ videos can be intimidating, the sorting feature allows you to find exactly what you need! Find only videos that strengthen your hamstrings! Or videos that stretch your triceps using a resistance band! Sort out all the low impact exercises. Find only videos that will improve your ballet technique. Each video is very short, so you can see the exercises and some tips on good form, but then get right to trying it yourself.

Grab a Menu

Still not sure what to do? Grab a menu! Each menu is a collection of exercises that will accomplish a very specific task. Need to de-stress from working? There’s a menu for that! Got absolutely nothing left in you at the end of the day? There’s a menu for that! Got only 10-minutes? There’s a menu for that! Working toward getting into pointe shoes? There’s a menu for that! Each menu will eventually come with a recommended music playlist pairing!

Get to Work!

This is the most important work you can do in your life. It makes your body available so you can do all the things you love. It will slow down your aging, make you stronger, help prevent diseases and injuries, improve your mental health, and leave you feeling great. Only you can do this work, but sometimes you need help to get past the barriers of getting started and staying motivated. The database is sprinkled with words of encouragement, chances for play, and inspiration. Check out the motivation page!

Get a taste!


I’m not a certified yoga or pilates instructor, I don’t have a degree in ballet, nor am I a licensed physical therapist. If you care about those things, there are tons of resources online made by those kind of people. 

I’m not a licensed health professional, so consult your doctor before starting an exercise program. Take into consideration your body (injuries, weight, asymmetries, weaknesses) when you exercise. If you don’t know the difference between “hurts-so-good” and “I think I’m injuring myself”, be very cautious when you feel strain or pain. If you feel anything bad, stop. Drink lots of water. I am not responsible if you injure yourself while exercising after watching my videos.

Available Body Database Access

This one-time payment gets you lifetime* access to my database, and includes all future videos and menus that I create. You are purchasing the password to the site. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE THIS PASSWORD TO OTHER PEOPLE. As an independent artist, I am relying on your honesty and integrity, and if this system doesn’t work, I won’t be able to maintain this site.

I might need to change the password occasionally to prevent abuse. Should that happen, I will notify everyone of the change via email. Therefore it is important I have your current and best email address. If you lose access to the database for some reason, just reach out and I will make it right!

(*Lifetime here means the lifetime of this project, which should also correspond to my lifetime… but things happen, and so I can’t promise access to this database for all of eternity.)

Your access instructions and password will be coming to you shortly in an email!